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Slab Leaks

Do you have visible water leaks in your floors or walls? High Water Bills? Hot, wet or discolored spots in your floor? Cracks in your walls? Musty odors? Dripping sounds that keep you up through the night?

If you answered yes

to any of these questions, you may have a slab leak in your home. More common than most people realize, slab leaks are primarily caused by improper installation or corrosion, especially where hot water is concerned. If you believe you may have a slab leak, don’t wait for the problem to get worse! Ignoring the problem will cause the damage to spread and can even lead to irreversible structural damage to your home and foundation.

At Royal Flush Plumbing,

we specialize in and frequently perform a wide variety of slab repairs, and in rare instances of extensive damage, slab replacements. The cost of the repair will vary according to the size of the gap, however, our experience and training allow us to offer slab repair services at unbeatable rates.

With advanced leak detection

equipment and an expert plumbing staff that knows how to use it, we have the tools to fix any leaks, big, small, single or numerous. And after detecting the leak, we will repair it without causing any damage to your property whatsoever. This falls in line with our commitment to respect our client’s homes, privacy and schedules.

So whether you suspect you have a slab leak or just want to make sure you don’t, count on Royal Flush Plumbing for prompt, honest and professional service. Acting fast will help you save money on your water bill and prevent property damage.

For more information or to receive a free price quote, give us a call at 770-385-5911 today!

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    Royal Flush Plumbing, Inc. is a BBB Accredited Plumber in Atlanta, GA

    Royal Flush Plumbing

    Plumbing Atlanta, Georgia and Surrounding Communities with Over 42 Years Experience!

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